What is GoDrops.com?

At GoDrops.com, we do nothing but provide you with the best lists of domain names that are nearing release by the registry. We provide a day in advance all the stats you’ll need to determine which domains to try picking up “on the drop” or back-order if it’s a truly a must-have name.

What else does GoDrops.com do?

Glad you asked! Every day at 11am PST (Los Angeles timezone) we go LIVE! During the .COM and .NET domain drop we host a live “Chat and Drop” event. Domainers big and small come to chat and shoot the breeze while watching the best names drop in a live feed.

What do you get with the Premium Membership?

Premium GoDrops.com members have the full-stats enabled on every domain names. These stats include Google searches per month, Google index frequency, cost-per-click, domain age and estimated value.

What do you get with the Free membership?

“Free” members can participate in the daily live Chat and Drop event. Access to the live drop feed is provided, but the domain stats are not visible.

What do the colors GREEN and RED mean?

RED indicates a domain is unavailable, either because it’s in pendingDelete status or it’s been registered. GREEN names indicate that the domain is available for hand-registration.

Where do the domain names found on GoDrops.com come from?

The domains at GoDrops.com come from the pending delete domain lists found at popular domain backorder websites.

Does GoDrops.com know the exact time that individual .COM and .NET domains drop?

No. We choose the names for the daily drop, then scan for them during the live Chat and Drop in random order.

What time do domain names drop?

That depends on the domain extension. Here’s a quick look (all times are Los Angeles, U.S. Pacific time):

  • 1am .TV
  • 3am-4am .INFO
  • 7:30am .ORG
  • 10am-11am .BIZ
  • 11am-12pm .COM/.NET/.US
  • 2pm-3pm .CA
  • 5pm-6pm .ME

How do I cancel my membership?

Send us an email at memberships@godrops.com.